[DISCONTINUED] National Accounts - Uruguay - BCU - Gross Domestic Product - Demand Side - 2005 = 100
Published byalphacastinAlphacast Discontinued
Created with pipeline Activity - Uruguay - BCU - Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure (2005)
Last update 2023-01-12
Dataset Information
Data available from 2005-01-01 to 2020-04-01- Source: BCU
This dataset contains information about Uruguay quarterly Expenditure Gross Domestic Product. It's subdivided in imports, exports, consumption, etc. The GDP is measured in thousands of current pesos, meanwhile the GDP according to expenditure component is measured in thousands of constant pesos 2005. Imports, exports, gross capital formation, final consumption expenditure, Final consumption expenditure of households and IPSFL, Final consumption expenditure of the general government, private sector and public sector are measured in IVF base year = 2005...
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