Dataset Information

Data available from 2016-01-01 to 2024-08-01
Source: Ministerio de Economía (MECON)

This dataset shows Argentina monthly fiscal result information on a cash basis. It includes data on tax revenues, tax expenditures, primary and fiscal results, and its disaggregation. The series are expressed in Millions of ARS. Data is also presented at constant prices, seasonally adjusted, as % of GDP and 12-month cumulative sums. Note 1: DEG's drawn by the IMF in August 2021 were not included in current transfers. Note 2: Variable 'Otros gastos corrientes' includes 'Déficit Operativo de Empresas Públicas','Resto' and 'Transferencias a universidades'. The Seasonally Adjusted Primary Result arises from the difference between Seasonally Adjusted Total Revenues and Seasonally Adjusted Primary Expenditures

To see the most updated data related to this topic, please refer to the following dataset: Fiscal & Debt - Argentina - MECON - Monthly Income and Expense Report (IMIG)

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