Dataset Information

Data available from 1991-01-01 to 2022-08-01

This dataset contains monthly information on the public sector financial needs publishes by the Central Bank of Brazil. Datas is in BRL Millions.

Public Sector Financial Needs include the Federal Government (National Treasury and Social Security System), state and municipal governments, state companies from the three levels of government (except Petrobras and Eletrobras) and the Central Bank of Brazil.

The exclusion of Petrobras and Eletrobras is due to the specific characteristics of the companies, which follow corporate governance rules similar to those experienced by publicly traded private companies, and have the autonomy to raise funds in the domestic and foreign markets. The exclusion of Petrobras from fiscal statistics started to be carried out based on data for the month of May 2009. In order to compare the results with previous periods, the calculation of net debt and public sector borrowing requirements in the new coverage, went back to December 2001. In the case of the series with the inclusion of Petrobras, the information was closed in April 2009, remaining available for consultation in the special series ( . The exclusion of Eletrobras took place from the base date of November 2010 and, as was done in the case of Petrobras, the calculation retroacted to December 2001....

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