Dataset Information

Data available from 2019-01-01 to 2023-02-01
Source: Open Budgets India

Budget at a Glance is an annual publication of Union Budget which provides aggregate Budget estimates. The document contains both sources of receipts and expenditure and provide data on several indicators like Fiscal Deficit (FD), Revenue Deficit (RD), Effective Revenue Deficit (ERD), and the Primary Deficit (PD). In addition, the document provides the Central and State Plan Outlays, and allocations on major programmes and schemes.

Negative values for deficits imply surpluses. The corresponding percentage figures (as % of GDP) have been represented here as surplus as a percentage of GDP instead of presenting them as negative deficits. The sign for such percentage surplus figures have been kept as positive for proper interpretation.

Unit: Rs. crore (Million INR)

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