Monetary - Mexico - Banxico - Liquidit Provision in the Payment System
Published byalphacastinBanco de México (BANXICO)
Last update 15 hours ago
Dataset Information
Data available from 1996-01-01 to 2024-10-01- Source: BANXICO
This dataset includes the Liquidit Provision in the Payment System in Mexico. Each variable has its own unit. 1. SIAC (sistema de atención a cuentahabientes de banco de México) is the sum of participant's maximun overdraft. Expressed in Millions of pesos. 2. SPEUA (sistema de pagos electrónicos de uso ampliado) is the sum of participant's maximun overdraft. Expressed in millions of pesos. 4. RPS referts to reportos para proporcionar liquidez en los sistemas de pagos 5. Concerted average RPS ref...
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