
Basic insights can be created by combining headers, charts, and images.

  • Headers can be included by using #, ##, ###, ####
  • Alphacast charts can be included by using '@chart' and '@Ncharts'
  • Images can be inserted using the icon in the toolbar above
  • Explore the toolbar for more options: Bold, Italic, Underline, Striketgeough and more.

This is an Example Insight

to paste an interactive chart, write '@chart' and find your chart and copy everything in the URL after https://charts.alphacast.io/grapher/

To add multiple charts use the command '@Ncharts" and paste multiple charts separated by a space

Insights are created with Markdown language. For a full reference of markdown, features see here https://github.com/lifeparticle/The-Ultimate-Markdown-Cheat-Sheet