
October 2021
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

PICNA seeks to contribute to the knowledge of the various contents of the System of National Accounts (SNA) and its applications, including conceptual, methodological and estimation aspects, with special emphasis on those related to integrated economic accounts, product, income and expenditure, appropriation, redistribution and use of income, origin and application of funds, input-product matrix, balance of payments, national wealth, extensions such as satellite accounts and social accounting matrices and interrelationships with visions of well-being, applying in all cases a vision of integrated systemic framework.

It also seeks to contribute to the debate on the above topics, by carrying out specific projects and research, working documents, interaction with specialized fields and the progressive creation of an information base related to the projects, which improves the study objectives and academic training of human capital. in research, within the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. In particular, actions will be coordinated in the various aspects referred to with the Interdisciplinary Institute of Political Economy