Activity - Argentina - PICNA - Chained Volume Index of the Gross Domestic Product
Published bypicnainPICNA - FCE - UBA Public Repo
Last update 2021-10-25
Dataset Information
Data available from 1935-01-01 to 2020-01-01- Source: PICNA
This dataset includes Argentina's annual volume index of Gross Domestic Product chained by the Fisher method (2004=1) since 1935. It corresponds to the sheet "c1" of the statistical annex of the work.
In the following document you will find more information about the methodology used to calculate the data.: Kidyba,S y Suárez, L (2017, 2021) Aplicación de índices encadenados al empalme de series. Argentina 1935 – 2020. Programa de investigación en cuentas nacionales (PICNA) – FCE - UBA
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