Activity - Argentina - PICNA - Percentage Structure of Gross Domestic Product - Supply Approach
Published bypicnainPICNA - FCE - UBA Public Repo
Last update 2021-10-25
Dataset Information
Data available from 1935-01-01 to 2020-01-01- Source: PICNA
This data set includes Argentina's annual percentage structure of gross domestic product based on the supply approach at current prices. It corresponds to the sheet "c11_Estruct_PIB" of the statistical annex of the work.
In the following document you will find more information about the methodology used to calculate the data.: Kidyba,S y Suárez, L (2017, 2021) Aplicación de índices encadenados al empalme de series. Argentina 1935 – 2020. Programa de investigación en cuentas nacionales (PICNA) ...
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