Grouped-Level: Monetary & Financial

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Notes: (1) We adjusted the panels to account for missing data. For each year, if countries with missing data comprise 75% or more of the group’s GDP, the aggregate calculation is not conducted. Conversely, if data is available for countries representing 75% or more of the group’s GDP, the calculation is performed. In the Public Finance and Monetary & Financial sections, this threshold is lowered to 50% to improve data availability. China is excluded from the Public Finance and Monetary & Financial sections due to limited data coverage. Please refer to the documentation for further details on the aggregation methodology. (2) Categories for AREAER are as follows: Hard Peg (No separate legal tender, Currency board), Soft Peg (Conventional peg, Stabilized arrangement, Crawling peg, Crawl-like arrangement, Pegged exchange rate within horizontal bands), Floating (Floating, Free floating), Residual (Other managed arrangements).