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    Alphatour: Navigating Global Financial Data with Alphacast


    Prepare for our worldwide data availability! Check out all Global Datasets here. Alphacast has become a crucial tool for those seeking up-to-date and high-quality information on global economy, market fluctuations and financial trends, as it provides easy and fast access to a wide variety of large-scale data sources, allowing for precise and comprehensive analysis and metrics. Acces to financial data is of vital importance, due to this we offer a wide variety of repositories with valuable information that will be essential when our users perform analysis and metrics on various topics and sectors of economies located throughout the world. Below, you will find a list of the most reputable sources for international data. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental organization composed of 38 member countries, which primary aim is to promote economic well-being and international trade. The OECD is also responsable for collecting, analyzing and publishing information and statistics on a wide range of environmental, economic, and social worldwide issues. Financial & Monetary datasets: Finance, Monetary & Financial, Balance of Payments & International Trade The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FED) is the central bank of the United States. FRED also operates...

    A short guide to US Inflation data


    Highlights of the Dynamic of US Inflation The United States has been struggling with a significant inflationary acceleration since the serie of international events, including the outbreak of the COVID-19, war between Ukraine and Russia, the global rise in energy prices, and the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, among others. All of those factors has contributed to a complex inflation scenario, inside which companies and consumers must seek strategies to manage. Increasing prices not only reduces the purchasing power of consumers and affects their consumption patterns, but also has far-reaching implications for the real estate sector and the progression of wages Besides this context, actualized data of the topic is crucial for businesses and policymakers in better undestanding of the current economic landscape. A couple of the following sources are claimed to be fundamental in the process of monitoring the inflation issue in the United States. Take a look on this US Inflation Dashboard here The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes detailed information on inflation, particularly through the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is broken down by categories and types of goods. Access to this reliable data for your research with AlphaCast's datasets: Consumer Price Index Consumer Price Index...

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    PipelineLast EditedEdit
    Ecuador - Trade1 year ago
    Non-traditional Exports Transformation1 year ago
    Ecuador - Inflation Chart1 year ago
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